Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Hugs

I love hugs. I love giving hugs and I love receiving hugs. To me, hugs are wonderfully comforting and uplifting at the same time. I have never gone away from a hug feeling worse than before the hug.

I've always believed in the power of touch to help people feel better. Studies have shown stress and blood pressure can be lowered with a soothing touch. My boyfriend and I were discussing this the other day. During my highest times of stress is when I benefit the most from a hug. However, I've never been good at asking for a hug. I can ask for help in other ways, but for some reason it seems awkward to me to ask for a hug.

Unfortunately, the person I know I would never have to worry about asking for a hug because he's so willing to give them to me is 4400 miles away. :( So maybe that can be one of my challenges this year. Asking for hugs from people I know are willing to give them who are around me.

So hug a friend or loved one today. Both parties will benefit and it just feels darn good!


  1. Yep. Hugs are grand. I think that we can simply end war by just hugging it out. Oh, and giving out stuffed animals so that people can hug them as they sleep.

    Take 25 to Hollister
    Don't be a Hippie

    1. I'm lovin' the idea of hugging it out, Su-sieee! And the stuffed animals?? BONUS!!

  2. I like to believe that a hug is the easiest and shortest way to reduce the distances between people.

    Bhavya from the AtoZ Challenge blogging at Just Another Blog

    1. That's quite lovely, Bhav.Zz. It brought a smile to my day to read it. Thank you. :)

  3. Heh. I love your description of yourself. It made me LOL. :)


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